Research and social responsibility
The establishment of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Aging and Care (CIRAC) at the University of Graz strengthens the field of aging and care research and the development of regional processes ("third mission"). The center develops a critical and constructive dialogue in order to meet the socio-political challenges posed by an "aging society" in an innovative and future-oriented manner at a scholarly level.
Taking into account the socio-political responsibility of the university, our scholarly approach complements medical-biogerontological and molecular biological approaches. While these approaches deal with the causes and mechanisms of biological aging, CIRAC focuses on social, cultural, political, legal, and economic conditions, discourses, and practices and their ethical implications as well as individual experiences of aging.
The critical examination of the identity category of age, which - like gender - is interpreted as a cultural construction, as well as the (un)just social organization of care (care work, caring), are seen as the basis for enabling a "good life" for all phases of life. Social development and the transformation of healthcare systems, solidarity and care networks in old age and at the end of life also play a major role.
Based on approaches from the humanities, social sciences and cultural studies, we collaborate with politicians and stakeholders from public life as well with citizens to analyze current problems and develop viable solutions in order to better meet current and future challenges (so-called "grand challenges") and counteract processes that lead to social division.
"Knowledge transfer", the exchange of knowledge ("science to public"), cooperation with practice partners, community engagement and the provision of public services need to ensure that the knowledge generated in research and the expertise of the center is made usable in exchange with society.
In order to achieve this, the Center is committed to developing innovative, inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches and collaborations that go far beyond disciplinary and university boundaries and also specifically include new forms of participation by social actors (e.g. citizen science projects).
Against discrimination - for diversity
The Center assumes responsibility for the University of Graz's function as a role model in society, speaking out against any kind of ageism in research, teaching and practice, critically highlighting social inequalities and recognizing the individuality and heterogeneity of aging experiences.
Science to Public and Knowledge Mobilization: Examples of our publicly accessible formats
CIRAC on air: podcasts and videos
Zeitpolster#10 with Klaus Wegleitner: "Caring Community" How can living spaces be best adapted to an ageing society?
"Zeitpolster"- The podcast for clever AGING
Wrinkle Radio: Host Sally Chivers in conversation with Ulla Kriebernegg
Don't panic - it's just aging!
Gender and more #10 Gender, age(ing), care and migration with Ulla Kriebernegg and Anna Kainradl
Get Loud: Let's Talk About Endometriosis | Alekszandra Rokvity | TEDxMedUniGrazWomen
Did you know that it is estimated that one in ten women suffer from endometriosis? That it takes about eight years for an endometriosis patient to receive a proper diagnosis? That it is one of the 20 most painful diseases in the world? No?
Social innovation for Graz: Annette Sprung and Ulla Kriebernegg in conversation with Philipp Spitzer
Ulla Kriebernegg (Professor in Cultural Aging and Care Research, and Americanist, Faculty of Humanities) and Annette Sprung (Professor of Migration and Education, URBI Faculty) talk about a joint project "Caring-Living-Labs Graz. Designing urban care spaces fairly, in solidarity and diversity".
Latest Lecture: Healthy Aging. Alumni in portrait. Ulla Kriebernegg and Didac Carmona-Gutierrez
Worlds of dying: How does the transition at the end of life "succeed"? Klaus Wegleitner in a new episode of the "HörSaal" podcast
Towards a caring and sustainable society! Klaus Wegleitner and Ulla Kriebernegg with Karin Schuster and Elisabeth Klatzer
The final panel of the second year of the Care Support Center project explored the question of what discourse we as a society are having with regard to dealing with ageing and care. It is about nothing less than aging with dignity and appreciation!