CareACT in Communities: Theater interventions for justice-oriented and democratic learning processes in caring communities
CareACT opens up new social and political caring spaces with the help of participatory theater interventions and formats by InterACT : in the SMZ community Jakomini in Graz-Liebenau and in the sustainable ACHTSAMEN 8. in Vienna's Josefstadt. In a new form of networking between civil society, care actors and decision-makers, the exchange on the conditions of good coexistence, active participation of all and care for each other is encouraged.
The two communities in Graz and Vienna, the local project teams, artists and researchers form a learning community. In the international D-A-CH-Caring Communities network, experiences and insights are shared and people and organizations are encouraged to take creative, democratizing approaches to CC.
Scientific project partners are the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Ageing and Care (CIRAC) and the Institute for Educational Science at the University of Graz as well as the Institute for Nursing Science at the University of Vienna.
Project duration: January 2023 - December 2024

CareACT team:
Carina Batek-Stipacek (SMZ Liebenau)
Gert Dressel (CareACT & Sustainable ACHTSAMER 8.)
Katharina Heimerl (Institute for Nursing Science, University of Vienna)
Daniela Martos (Nachhaltiger ACHTSAMER 8. & Sorgenetz)
Lisa-Maria Schatz (SMZ Liebenau)
Sophia Schessl (InterACT - Workshop for Theater and Socioculture)
Rebecca Taupe (SMZ Liebenau)
Klaus Wegleitner (Sorgenetz & CIRAC, University of Graz)
Julia Groß (CIRAC)
Michael Wrentschur (InterACT - Workshop for Theater and Socioculture & Institute for Educational Science, University of Graz)
A good life for ALL!
A theater workshop for more togetherness and participation in Vienna's eighth district
FR, July 7, 2023, 15:00 - 20:00;
SA, 8. July 2023, 10:00 - 18:00
Redaktion der Achte,
Albertgasse 13-15, 1080 Vienna
Days of Mindfulness
An evening of playback theater with InterACT
SA, June 10, 2023, 19:00 - 20:00
Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Vienna