"Caring Living Labs Graz: Fostering Inclusive Urban Caring Spaces with Solidarity and Diversity"
Caring-Living-Labs Graz is dedicated to enhancing social participation and fostering health opportunities for older persons, especially those facing precarious living situations in the city of Graz. The objective is to seamlessly integrate the Caring Communities approach with that of Living Labs, facilitating a networked and needs-based development of local spaces for thoughtful exploration and meaningful action. The primary focus is on socio-economically disadvantaged groups and individuals with migration biographies.
With an extensive array of collaboration partners and stakeholders, including the Migrant Advisory Board, Graz Peace Office, OMEGA Association, Social Welfare Office, Senior Citizens' Office, VinziDorf Hospice, and the Institute for Housing Construction at Graz University of Technology, this project aims to actively contribute to the development and implementation of social innovations. By working closely with the target group, the initiative seeks to incorporate the knowledge gained into systemic levels, ensuring a holistic impact on societal well-being.
Project directors: Annette Sprung, Klaus Wegleitner
Project team: Anna-Christina Kainradl, Natalie Krampl, Ulla Kriebernegg, Brigitte Kukovetz, Lisa Luisser, Dzenana Pupic
Cooperation partners: Heidi Bassin & Viktoria Fröhlich (Peace Office), Virginia Argarate & Margareta Brigitzer (OMEGA), Godswill Eyawo (Migrant:innenbeirat)
Funded by Health Promotion 21+ and the Fonds Gesundes Österreich.
Website: https://caring-graz.at/