Social transformations towards a heterogeneous and just "society of long life" already start at school. And so the CIRAC researchers took advantage of the request for support from a class of the Ortweinschule in a cooperation project with the GGZ (Geriatric Health Centres Graz) for a joint workshop on the topic of "Rethinking Age(ing) and Care."
In addition to content input and discussions about age(ing), care, stereotypes and images of age, the students worked interactively with an artistic-acting focus on the topic of age(ing) from various perspectives, on the one hand with the aim of enabling reflection processes about their own physical changes but also continuities, and on the other hand to initiate critical enquiries about generational justice and care in the broadest sense.
The result was a very productive, lively and interesting exchange that afternoon, supported by many exciting discussions, scenic presentations and, last but not least, remarkable, concentrated drawings. This first step in the Ortwein School's design project at the GGZ was also a first important step in the cooperation with CIRAC.
Friday, 08 October 2021